Data Input
Main Functions
Fusion Learning Algorithm
Unbalanced datasets
Model Selection Criterion
Data Applications
package implements a new learning algorithm
to integrate information from different experimental platforms. The
algorithm applies the grouped penalization method to select important
predictors across multiple datasets. This package can be installed
directly from CRAN.
install.packages("FusionLearn",repos = "")
Users can also obtain more information about this package at
## Objectives
In biological studies, different types of experiments are often
conducted to analyze the same biological process, such as disease
progression, immune response, etc. High dimensional data from different
technologies can be generated to select important biological markers.
The conventional approach, such as the penalized likelihood methods can
be employed to perform variable selection on high dimensional data using
regression model with the biological states as the response variables
and the markers measurements as the predictor variables. However, the
measurements across different experimental platforms or techniques
follow different distributions and models. Measurements generated by
different techniques from the same subject can be correlated. The
traditional approach is to perform single platform analysis and select a
subset of biomarkers based on each of the datasets. However, the
selected lists often do not have an agreement across different
platforms, and the correlation among the different data sources are not
taken into consideration. To address this problem, we develop this R
package to integrate correlated information across different platforms
and select a consolidated list of biomarkers.
High dimensionality
For each platform, a generalized linear model with a linear or
logistic link is constructed to model the relationship between the
predictors and the responses. For each subject, the response variable
measures the biological process of interest, such as the disease status
or some quantitative measurement of the disease. The predictors across
different platforms are the measurements of thousands of biomarkers. For
the same predictor, its regression coefficients from different platforms
are grouped into a vector. Then a penalty (LASSO or SCAD) is added to to
the L2 norm of the
estimated vector parameter. By doing so, the estimated predictor effect
with small L2 norm
will be shrunk to zero and deemed to be unimportant predictors. In this
case, even if the effect sizes of the same predictor differ from one
platform to another, the algorithm will make the decision based on the
predictor’s overall L2 norm of the effect
sizes across all platforms. In high dimension scenario of p > n, the penalized
estimation will enforce the sparsity on the fitted model to avoid
overfitting by thresholding the small predictor effect to zero.
It is often observed that genes perform differently on the different
experimental platforms. Such discrepancy could be due to either
biological reasons or data inconsistency caused by random variation.
Instead of searching for genes with consistent performances across all
of the platforms, we select the genes that their overall effect sizes
measured by L2 norm
are great. Based on the overall effect size, the most important genes
are selected to produce the candidate list.
Dependent vs Independent datasets
In addition, the algorithm offers great flexibility in terms of
modeling independent or correlated datasets. If the observations across
the platforms are independent, the sample sizes can be different across
the datasets. The full likelihood is used to model the independent data.
If the samples from different platforms are the same or related, the
observations are correlated and the sample sizes will be the same across
the platforms. The overall model fitting of all the platforms is
evaluated by pseudo-likelihood. The Godambe information matrix of the
pseudo-likelihood captures and reflects the covariance structure among
different platforms. The new algorithm is able to handle unbalanced data
sets across different platforms: 1) the algorithm can deal with the
scenario that some predictors are only measured in some but not all
platforms by adjusting the penalty size according to the number of
platforms in which the predictor is involved; 2) the algorithm allows
the sample size to vary from platform to platform if the samples are
independent across different platforms.

Figure presents an overview of the fusion learning algorithm applied
on multiple-platform datasets. The algorithm maximizes the following
objective function:
where lI(β)
is the integrated pseudo loglikelihood, and Ωλn
represents the penalty function with the tuning parameter λn. The penalty
function imposes penalty on the L2 -norm of the vector of
the grouped coefficients (β(j) = (β1j, β2j, ⋯, βmj)T)
for each of thepredictors Mj, j = 1, …, p.
1 |
y1 with g1(μ1)∼ |
x11β11 |
… |
+x1jβ1j |
… |
+x1pβ1p |
2 |
y2 with g2(μ2)∼ |
x21β21 |
… |
+x2jβ2j |
… |
+x2pβ2p |
⋯ |
m |
ym with gm(μm)∼ |
xm1βm1 |
… |
+xmjβmj |
… |
+xmpβmp |
Data Input
The overall data consists of datasets from multiple platforms. For
the jth platform, the dataset
consists of a response vector yj of dimension
nj and a
predictor matrix xj of dimension
nj × p.
Across different platforms, the measurements can be taken from the
same samples or related samples, therefore the measurements are
dependent across the platforms. If so, the samples across different
experiments should be aligned and the sample size remains the same for
all experiments.
If the samples from different platforms are unrelated, the
observations are independent across the platforms. The sample sizes
nj can be
different for different platforms.
The predictors across different platforms should be aligned.
We present the simulation of the datasets from four correlated
platforms. In each platform, there are 100 samples, and each observation
consists of 10 covariates as the candidate variables. The datasets
across all platforms are jointly generated as follow.
m <- 4
N <- 100
p <- 10
## parameters
rho <- 0.3
Rho <- rho*matrix(1,4,4) + diag(1-rho,4,4)
sigma <- c(2,1,3,2)
Sigma <- Rho * sigma * rep(sigma, each = nrow(Rho))
mu = c(-1,1,0.5,-0.5)
## data information
name_pf = c("platform 1","platform 2", "platform 3","platform 4")
name_id = paste("ID", seq(1:N))
name_cov = paste("M", seq(1:p))
x <- array(NA,dim = c(N,m,p))
for(k in 1:p){
x[,,k] <- mvrnorm(N,mu,Sigma)
## [1] "Platform 1"
## M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4 M 5
## ID 1 1.229 -0.470 -3.709 -3.932 -2.314
## ID 2 1.033 -1.212 -2.453 -1.436 -3.077
## ID 3 -3.316 0.815 -1.624 -2.540 -4.375
## ID 4 -0.964 -1.823 -0.454 -0.240 3.573
## ID 5 -2.844 -2.758 -2.943 -0.743 4.821
## [1] "Platform 2"
## M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4 M 5
## ID 1 1.705 1.544 -0.181 1.314 -0.291
## ID 2 1.818 2.620 0.380 1.508 1.036
## ID 3 1.150 2.098 1.553 1.204 0.540
## ID 4 1.830 1.072 2.140 0.823 0.198
## ID 5 1.126 1.608 0.985 -0.156 2.377
## [1] "Platform 3"
## M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4 M 5
## ID 1 2.717 1.227 0.469 -0.621 1.586
## ID 2 0.879 4.670 3.152 2.942 -0.964
## ID 3 -3.771 1.326 -2.268 -0.919 4.609
## ID 4 0.563 -0.105 -4.380 2.341 0.557
## ID 5 0.986 -0.094 -1.282 -1.630 3.710
## [1] "Platform 4"
## M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4 M 5
## ID 1 -3.475 -2.512 -0.852 -0.862 1.237
## ID 2 -1.573 -0.647 0.508 0.639 -1.028
## ID 3 -2.189 1.394 -1.081 -3.732 -3.739
## ID 4 -1.750 2.265 0.358 1.281 1.099
## ID 5 -1.364 -4.128 3.590 -0.781 1.565
To use the fusion learning functions on these datasets from four
platforms, the response vectors and the predictors with the aligned
order need to be listed.
x <- list(x1, x2, x3, x4)
y <- list(y1, y2, y3, y4)
Main Functions
package provides three functions
, fusionbinary
, and
, which can be employed to combine continuous,
binary, or mixtures of continuous and binary responses from different
Fusion Learning Algorithm
Continuous Responses
is the function applied to the datasets with
all continuous response variables. In the function
, users can set the penalty parameter
and choose the penalty functions such as
methods = scad
or methods = lasso
. The
function input also include N,
the sample sizes for each platform and p, the number of the predictors and
m, the number of the
platforms. If the sample sizes are all equal, N is given as a single value. If the
sample sizes are different, N
is specified as a vector. If some predictors are only measured in some
but not all of the platforms, then the datasets do not have complete
information and users can specify the option
Complete = FALSE
. Detailed examples about this type of
missing information are shown in Section 4.2.
result <- fusionbase(x, y, lambda = 0.9, N = N ,p = p, m = m, methods = "scad",
Complete = TRUE)
print(result) ## partial estimated parameters
## $beta
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 2.166467 3.040631 7.785279 8.627343
## [2,] 3.981514 4.026194 13.773084 11.871934
## [3,] 3.374323 3.396763 11.606946 9.867747
## [4,] 4.943008 5.614259 17.270441 15.877448
## [5,] 4.262251 5.094297 17.604539 16.271033
## [6,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
## [7,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
## [8,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
## [9,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
## [10,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
## $method
## [1] "scad"
## $threshold
## [1] 0.04598454
## $iteration
## [1] 10
The result of the algorithm yields 5 non-zero coefficient vectors and
5 zero coefficient vectors for the 10 predictors. Based on the penalized
estimation results, the predictors with non-zero regression coefficients
are selected as important predictors. Users can further use the model
selection function
in this package to obtain
the value of the pseudo likelihood informaiton criterion for the
The algorithm outputs include beta
, method
, and threshold
. In the output
, the estimated coefficients are listed. For the
example above, the algorithm correctly selects all the five true
non-zero coefficients. The figures show the non-zero coefficients and
the linear models are well fitted with selected predictors.
Binary Responses
If the responses from different platforms are all binary variables,
users can use the function fusionbinay
. Most function
inputs are similar to the inputs of the function
. Users can specify the link functions
link = "logit"
or link = "probit"
for the
binary response variables.
result <- fusionbinary(x, y.bin, lambda = 0.15, N = N, p = p, m = m, methods = "scad",
link = "logit")
## $beta
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.03466414 0.02843913 0.04444378 0.05617795
## [2,] 2.05486607 2.01779142 1.13098065 1.59532191
## [3,] 0.17717603 0.10475392 0.16700634 0.13813861
## [4,] 2.13573764 2.08503177 2.24617532 1.81413152
## [5,] 1.24689136 1.11981241 1.84452987 1.91821936
## [6,] 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## [7,] 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## [8,] 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## [9,] 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## [10,] 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
## $method
## [1] "scad"
## $link_fn
## [1] "logit"
## $threshold
## [1] 0.09549591
## $iteration
## [1] 12
## FALSE 5 0
## TRUE 0 5
Mixed-type Responses
If the responses across multiple platforms contain both binary and
continuous types, users can use the function fusionmixed
Besides all the inputs similarly required by fusionbase
the function requires the specification of the numbers of the platforms
for each type of reponse (m1
: the number of the platforms
with continuous responses; m2
: the number of platforms with
binary responses). The link
option is used to specify the
link function for the binary response variables.
result <- fusionmixed(x, y.mixed, lambda = 0.4, N = N, p = p, m1 = 2, m2 = 2, methods
= "scad", link = "logit")
## $beta
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 2.167506 3.030309 0.8995928 1.217401
## [2,] 3.981460 4.036748 1.5948099 1.790453
## [3,] 3.374642 3.424883 1.1906511 1.041814
## [4,] 4.943319 5.613636 2.5516305 2.036690
## [5,] 4.261845 5.083497 2.2867149 1.988079
## [6,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000
## [7,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000
## [8,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000
## [9,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000
## [10,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000
## $method
## [1] "scad"
## $link_fn
## [1] "logit"
## $threshold
## [1] 0.09406964
## $iteration
## [1] 12
## FALSE 5 0
## TRUE 0 5
Unbalanced datasets
In practice, some predictors may not be measured in all of the
platforms. Therefore, some of the datasets may not have a complete set
of the predictors. The fusion learning package can handle this type of
missing predictors. For example, the dataset in platform 2
contains some predictors with all NA
values, which means
these predictors are not measured in the platform 2
. In
this case, the group penalization estimation will adjust the penalty
with respect to the number of platoforms that predictor is involved
## M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4 M 5
## ID 1 1.705 NA -0.181 1.314 -0.291
## ID 2 1.818 NA 0.380 1.508 1.036
## ID 3 1.150 NA 1.553 1.204 0.540
## ID 4 1.830 NA 2.140 0.823 0.198
## ID 5 1.126 NA 0.985 -0.156 2.377
Since the second predictor is not measured platform 2
the results of corresponding coefficients are NA
. For
predictors or responses missing at random, various imputation techniques
and existing R packages can be employed to impute the missing predictors
or responses.
result <- fusionbase(x, y, lambda = 1.3, N = N, p = p, m = m, methods = "scad",
Complete = FALSE)
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 2.166452 4.563022 7.78528 8.627342
## [2,] 3.981482 NA 13.77308 11.871933
## [3,] 3.374330 4.115559 11.60695 9.867745
## [4,] 4.943011 6.283965 17.27044 15.877448
## [5,] 4.262262 5.462141 17.60454 16.271033
## [6,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000
## [7,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000
## [8,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000
## [9,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000
## [10,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000
Model Selection Criterion
The performance of the variable selection depends on the size of the
penalty parameter λn. Larger λn leads to more
sparse models. To choose the size of the penalty parameter, users can
use model selection criterion. The selection criterion included in
is the pseudo-Bayesian information criterion
with −2lI(β̂I)
denoting the pseudo loglikelihood, ds*
measuring the model complexity and γn being the
penalty on the model complexity. Three functions
, and
provide the model selection criteria.
In the next example, the simulation study is conducted in high
dimensional settings. Suppose there are four correlated platforms with
mixed-type responses, in which two platforms have continuous responses
and two have binary responses. In each platform, we have 500 samples and
1000 predictors. Therefore, the dimension of parameters in each platform
is more than the sample size.
For a grid of penalty parameter values from 0.1 to 2,
can calculate the pseudo-Bayesian
information criterion (pseudo-BIC) for each value of the penalty
If the platforms are correlated, the function requires the input
depen = "CORR"
and the sample sizes across all platforms
must be the same and the samples must be aligned across the platforms.
The algorithm estimated the Godambe information matrix to capture the
dpendence structure across different platforms. There is a
multiplicative factor a
to the second term in the
information criterion . It has a default value of one and users can
specify higer values. Increasing the value of a
is to
impose heavier penalty on the model complexity in the model selection
lambda <- c(0.19, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.75, 2)
model <-, y, lambda, N = 500, p = 1000, m = 4, depen = "CORR")
## lambda BIC -2Loglkh Est_Df Comment
## 1 0.19 14642.59 6030.649 8611.944 .
## 2 0.20 15065.79 6321.654 8744.131 .
## 3 0.30 13386.45 7589.661 5796.789 .
## 4 0.50 12273.36 7869.994 4403.368 The minimum BIC
## 5 0.60 12283.95 7898.730 4385.216 .
## 6 1.75 12283.95 7898.730 4385.216 .
## 7 2.00 12283.95 7898.730 4385.216 .
According to the results, when the penalty parameter
is 0.5, the
selected model has the minimum pseudo-BIC, and the minimum value remains
in the range between 0.19 and 2.00. When the penalty parameter is too
small, the selected model still has the number of predictors exceeding
the number of samples, so that the information matrix can be singular.
If the penalty parameter is too large, all predictors’ coefficients will
be penalized to zero. Therefore, we can set lambda = 0.5
the function fusionbase
in the next step.
result <- fusionbase(x, y, lambda = 0.5, N = 500, p = 1000, m = 4)
The function fusionbase
provides the results based on
the penalty parameter lambda = 0.5
. The estimation results
indicate that the algorithm correctly identifies the true non-zero and
true zero coefficients.
## Est zero Est non-zero
## True zero 959 1
## True non-zero 0 40
Data Applications
We provide two examples in FusionLearn
package. The
stock index data is a special application of the fusion learning
algorithm on financial data. In this example, the predictors are the 34
stocks, and the three responses are three different market indices. We
treat each market index together with the 34 stocks as the dataset from
one platform. This data is an example that the financial analysts may be
interested in finding the common set of stocks which are influential to
all of the three market indices.
Since the platforms are correlated, we include the option
depen = "CORR"
. The plot
shows the minimum pseudo-BIC reaches when lambda = 3.34
The selected stocks are listed below.
##analysis of the stock index data
#Responses contain indices "VIX","GSPC", and "DJI"
y <- list(stockindexVIX[,1],stockindexGSPC[,1],stockindexDJI[,1])
#Predictors include 46 stocks
x <- list(stockindexVIX[,2:47],stockindexGSPC[,2:47],stockindexDJI[,2:47])
##Implementing the model selection algorithm based on the psuedolikelihood
##information criteria
model <-,y,seq(0.03,5,length.out = 10),232,46,3,depen="CORR")
## lambda BIC -2Loglkh Est_Df Comment
## 1 0.0300000 584.2816 -1030.5640 1614.8456 .
## 2 0.5822222 1204.0856 952.3762 251.7093 .
## 3 1.1344444 1318.3610 1190.6747 127.6863 .
## 4 1.6866667 1419.5304 1285.4696 134.0608 .
## 5 2.2388889 1419.5304 1285.4696 134.0608 .
## 6 2.7911111 1419.5304 1285.4696 134.0608 .
## 7 3.3433333 219.7514 -137.4509 357.2023 The minimum BIC
## 8 3.8955556 219.7514 -137.4509 357.2023 .
## 9 4.4477778 219.7514 -137.4509 357.2023 .
## 10 5.0000000 219.7514 -137.4509 357.2023 .
lambda <- model[which.min(model[,2]),1]
result <- fusionbase(x,y,lambda,232,46,3)
##Identify the significant predictors for the three indices
id <- which(result$beta[,1]!=0)+1
## [1] "DJA" "NYA" "OEX" "RUI"
In the second example, we consider two microarray experiments and
both of the experiments were conducted to investigate the estrogen
status of breast cancer patients. We treat each experiment as one
platform. Since the two experiments are independently conducted, the
samples are independent across the two platforms and the sample sizes
are different. In particular, one dataset contains 98 observations, and
another one includes 286 observations. The predictors in each dataset
are 1000 mock-version gene expressions. In the end, the algorithm
selects three most important biomarkers to differentiate the estrogen
status of the patients.
##Analysis of the gene data
y = list(mockgene1[,2],mockgene2[,2]) ## responses "status"
x = list(mockgene1[,3:502],mockgene2[,3:502]) ## 500 predictors
##Implementing fusion learning algorithm
lambda <- seq(0.1,0.5, length.out = 10)
result <- fusionbinary(x,y,0.3,N=c(98,286),500,2)
id <- which(result$beta[,1]!=0)+2
genename <- colnames(mockgene1)[id]
## [1] "200009_at" "205225_at" "209364_at"